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289 + tax1 hr
$299 + tax1 hr
$329 + tax1 hr
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$369 + tax1 hr
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$299 + tax1 hr 30 min
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$299 + tax1 hr
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Price varies1 hr 30 min
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375 + Delivery
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Anchor Points:
There is a new requirement for this industry which we must make our customers aware of. The Ministry of Labour has made it mandatory that anyone working above ten feet in height must be safely anchored to a fixed structure that is able to withstand in the case of a fall. This could be a brick chimney or an anchor point. If your house already has an anchor point installed, that will be utilized otherwise, we can anchor off to your chimney if possible. If we are able to clean your chimney from the bottom, then we will not need an anchor point. If you do not have an anchor point, if the chimney is unable to be used, and we cannot clean your chimney from the bottom, we do install an anchor point. The anchor points that we use are permanent. The chimney sweep will hook their lanyard on it, so he can safely access your roof and chimney. The sweep will be checking to see if an anchor point is needed.
The installation of an anchor point is a one time fee of $150, and if we come back each year, we will be using the same anchor point. You will also be receiving paperwork that states that you have an anchor point safely installed on your roof for other services (roofing, construction, maintenance, etc.) to safely access your roof, as we are all mandated to make use of anchor points if they are needed.
If you have any further questions about the anchor point, you can contact Greg Smith, at the phone number or email listed above.
For more information on Anchor Points, and to view the updated legislation please refer to the Ontario Government page on labour requirements: https://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/hs/pubs/filmguide/gl_21.php